Our Revenue Booking Plan
We Only Charge 10% of total Revenue per-booking
We believe in two things: that our success should be measured by yours, and that success should be affordable. That is why we offer an extremely affordable, flat rate pricing plan for all customers, regardless of booking frequency or location.

Start Co-Hosting Today. Call us at 239.306.7878 or Email us at info@sunshinecohosting.com
Additional Services & Benefits
Quality service and unique experience Based on Your Needs
Residential Cleaning
Cleanliness plays a very large role in the comfort of your home, but many homeowners simply don’t have the time to complete this task due to their busy lifestyles. At Sunshine Co-Hosting, we recognize that a clean home is a happy home, which is why we’re proud to offer comprehensive home cleaning services.
Our professional cleaning companies take pride in their ability to reduce bacteria, allergens, and other germs that can spread sickness in your home.
Landscaping Services
Sunshine Co-Hosting believes in sustainable landscaping and takes pride in creating and maintaining the beautiful outdoor living surroundings you will enjoy for years. We have service companies that incorporate all the design elements to maximize your space’s function, sensory, and visual appeal through hardscaping, softscaping, and lighting. Our use of energy-efficient products, recyclable materials, and native plants increases wildlife habitat whenever possible to encourage a healthy ecosystem.
We know that having a pool should be fun! Whether you have an above-ground or in-ground pool – we’re here for you. Our certified service companies offer services including but not limited to:
- Openings / Closings
- Liner Replacement
- Equipment- installation, replacement, and repair
- Service Calls
- Leak repair
Marketing Services
Sunshine Co-Hosting will help you create a branded vacation rental experience. Your house, your brand, your identity. The Cape Coral market is a unique market in that all of the houses are not the same. The houses stand alone with their brand front and center. Sunshine Co-Hosting has decades of combined branding and marketing experienced professionals that will help steer you in the right direction to have success in this exciting market.
Marketing Services
Benefit of Revenue Based Booking Plan
GRILL Services
When’s the last time that grill was cleaned? Many property owners simply don’t have the time to complete this task, due to their busy lifestyles. At Sunshine Co-Hosting, we recognize that a clean grill is a tasty grill, which is why we’re proud to offer grill cleaning services in our vacation rental management.
As a professional cleaning company, we take pride in our ability to reduce bacteria, allergens, and other germs that can spread sickness in your home.
From changing a light bulb to larger fixes, Sunshine Co-Hosting has service companies that can take care of basic property maintenance tasks and will be on call throughout your guest’s stay. Sit back and relax. We got this!
To protect your assets, Sunshine Co-Hosting offers 24/7 on-call repair services to help with any emergency that might occur.

Don't Know Where to Start in the World of Co-Hosting?
You pay the bills,
We take care of the rest.
Want to start Co-Hosting?